Coming 2024

If you’re a practicing designer, maybe you were told that good design is better for business. And yet, somehow, while there are more working designers than ever and more billionaires than ever, more workers are getting further exploited or laid off each day and digital systems are collapsing into a toxic mess while consuming mass resources.

What gives? And what can we do?

The draft TOC: 63 Maxims for Digital System Design in the 21st Century »

About this project »

Some Background

Watch The Talk

In November 2023, I presented The Business Model Is the Grid talk at Clarity, the design systems conference. Live on stage at the Alamo Drafthouse SF. A good time was had by all.

Listen to the Interview

I joined Jesse James Garrett and Peter Merholz on their podcast Finding Our Way to talk about the disconnect between how designers understand business and how it works.

Read the essay

It all started here. Back in 2018, I wrote “Thinking in Triplicate: designing for the triple storyline” about using narrative to align the design and business perspectives. It’s a banger of a longread.